
Diamond Edition White toothbrush

A future classic. Fine white ceramic featuring 512 sparkling pave diamonds. The precious stones are inlaid in pure, silver-white rhodium-treated stainless steel, highlighting both the handle of the toothbrush and the exquisite toothbrush stand.

€ 19000
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Please welcome the newest members of the Apriori family – our stunning range of Extraordinary Diamond models. These truly unique products offer you the last word in luxury, and will make brushing your teeth an out-of-this-world experience. Available in both black and white ceramic versions, these exquisite toothbrushes each feature 512 diamonds in a classic pave setting. Your teeth won’t be the only thing sparkling after using one of our Extraordinary Diamond toothbrushes.

Apriori Toothbrush

Apriori Diamond White Toothbrush

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